Having been an avid reader since before I ever even went to school, and reading everything
I could get my hands on. One of those books along the way was, “The Creature From Jeckle Island.”
To make this short and not about the book, though I would still recommend it to any, and everybody.
G. Edward Griffin who wrote it, suffered through his life with high blood pressure.
Having been afforded the funds to hire a team of scientists, he did just that to come up with a
cause, and a way to alliviate that problem! I cannot say that they were the first ones to derive
at the conclusion that ‘nitric oxide’ was their idea. But they did create a formula that is infusive
to building that up in the body. And that product is Cardio Miracle! I have been a customer of this
product since it was brought onto the market, and am now giving this out to anyone who would feel it
could benefit them too!
What is Nitric Oxide?
~Nitric Oxide is a short lived gas produced in the walls of arteries and veins.
~Nitric Oxide is stimulated by amino acids or other ingredients.
~Nitric Oxide is one of the body’s most powerful natural antioxidants.
~There are currently more than 100,000 medical studies in the past twenty years that validate its importance and beneficial impact on cellular health.
~The Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology was awarded in 1998 for discoveries related to the role of nitric oxide and heart health.

As the founder and the manufacturer and distributer of Cardio Miracle, John Hewlett has dedicated his life to sharing the nitric oxide discovery and the Cardio Miracle formulation with those who are serious about health. He enthusiastically shares the news about the ability of nitric oxide in the arteries, veins, and capillaries to support better cardiovascular and overall health. His Cardio formulation produces more nitric oxide in the body, produces it faster and sustains it longer. John considers this his life’s calling and mission-to help people take charge of their health and enjoy life to the fullest.